International Award for Digital Education

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Duration – 1 Days
Date – 23 Mar 2025

Venue -janak Puri Club , JANAK PURI , NEW DELHI

How to Enter in the Competition?

To enter the competition this year we are asking, in the first instance, for a 300 word abstract describing the initiative. If your proposal is suitable you will be invited to submit a full case history of no more than 3000 words, which will be considered as an entry to the competition. A panel of international adjudicators will evaluate the case histories. When preparing your abstract, keep in mind that full case histories will be structured around the following headings

1. Introduction to the nature and its specific objectives
2. The infrastructure i.e. people, systems, hardware, software etc. required to launch the initiative
3. The challenges that were encountered, how they developed and how they were overcome
4. How the initiative was received by the users or participants
5. The learning outcomes that were achieved and how they were measured and evaluated
6. Plans to further develop the initiative.


List of Nominations/Awardee
*We are updating our record online and it is still in progress.                             
Participant Name : HANUMAN KEER     
Nominated for: Excellence Faculty Award  (Sociology)


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